Please verify the correct spelling of your name, as year end awards are engraved based on this spelling. 
Contact Deb Emmons or Ken Neitzel by October 22 with any corrections otherwise the points and spellings will become final.

Sr. Novice HPV Sr. Lite Briggs Animal Jr. Yamaha Jr. Sportsman
Yamaha Lite HPV Sr. Heavy Briggs Animal Sr. Heavy Yamaha Jr. SSX
Briggs Jr. Sportsman Shifter Yamaha Heavy Briggs Animal Sr. Lite
Sr. Sportsman Heavy HPV Jr. Sportsman Animal Jr. Sportsman Sr. Sportsman Lite
HPV Jr.   KidKarts  

Points Structure

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1 200 11 75 21 25
2 175 12 70 22 20
3 155 13 65 23 17
4 140 14 60 24 14
5 130 15 55 25 11
6 120 16 50 26 8
7 110 17 45 27 5
8 100 18 40 28 2
9 90 19 35 29 1
10 80 20 30 30 1

Plus 1 point for each kart entered.
Rain points are 200pts.
The BKC series counts the 14 best feature finishes.

Contact Deb Emmons via email at with any questions or concerns about the points.  Please include your kart number, name, class, and a description of the problem.  Also contact her if your name is misspelled.

*The points pages may not work correctly with Netscape, switch to Internet Explorer and it should work fine.